Κυριακή 1 Αυγούστου 2010

Captain Michiel Andriez

Andriesz, Michiel  - Flibuster from the Republic of the United Provinces. Aka Andrieszoon, Michel Landresson or Anderson, Captain Bréha and Captain Michel. Often confused with Anderson, Joseph. Was with Laurens de > Graaf and François Le > Sage in the Bay of Honduras, 1682. Captain of La Trompeuse  (not to be confused with the ship of that name belonging to Jean > Hamlin) in a squadron under command of >Paine during an unsuccesful attack on St. Augustine, Florida, March 1683, a last pirate invasion in Northamerican territory. 

Master of the 30-gun Tigre (200 men) in the succesful raid on Vera Cruz inspired by De Graaf. It was his job to conquer the Northern bastion of the town with 70 men. Joined De Graaf again with two ships, a barque, a sloop and 500 men for a possible attack on Cartagena (now in Colombia). Late in the same year presented himself with 180 men in the ship Tigre in De Graaf's fleet for the attack on the town of Santiago de Cuba, a well-defended seaport. The plans were altered, however, the fleet took three Spanish armed merchantmen after a five hours-boarding party. Was given one of the three armadillas, afterwards called Mutine, so presented his Tigre  to captain Le Sage. With a good booty of gold, jewels, coca, &c., went to Boston to dispose of it to the merchants of New England. Returning from Boston, Massachusetts, joined captains > Brouage and > Pedneau at a rendez-vous in the Orinoco river, waiting there for leader > Grammont to wage war on the Spaniards and gaining some profits in the process. When Grammont did not show up was chosen the admiral of a fleet of five: his Mutine; Brouage's Neptune; Jean > Roze's barque (tartaan) of 6 guns; the 4-gun brigantin Galant of La > Garde; and the small barque of captain Vigneron. Changed his flagship's name into La Fortune  (14 pieces, 100 men). Blockaded the coast of Cuba in company of > Willems (january 1685), selling prizes in Boston; operating afterwards with De Graaf and Willems on the Southamerican Northcoast at Cape de la Vela (Colombia).

Popular in Boston. When, in 1684, proclamations against pirates were put up in the streets, the Bostonians tore them down. When someone went and told the governor that Andriesz and his men were in town, his fellow citizens nearly lynched the man.

June '85 present at Campeche, Yucatán, in a force of 700 buccaneers in 16 big and 23 small ships, this being one of the very few times that a gang of searovers was awaited by a completely prepared enemy, yet attacked and won. In 1686 Andriesz was taken prisoner by the Spanish Armada de Barlovento and hung with several of his men (we are not sure of this, Spanish sources also say he retired in '86 to live to an old age in St. Domingue Island).

photo by http://janboruta.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d1ikn89

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