Πέμπτη 2 Σεπτεμβρίου 2010

Captain Thomas Jones

Major Thomas Jones ... Welsh PrivateerNamesake Jones Beach State Park, New YorkBy Albert WalkerThe family of Major Thomas Jones, sometimes referred to as the Knight, whose descent from a noble Irish family who is intermarried with Wales known, was probably in Glamorganshire Merionethshire have or.

Nevertheless, the racial obviously many Welsh in almost all family members, and are marked to all those who have gained importance in all areas of life. Thomas Jones, who served in the Battle of the Boyne, Aghrim and the capitulation of Limerick, under William III of England and Ireland fought under Jacques II, after serving as Major in the army of the dethroned monarch, who had previously been to England, but the Welsh origin, sat for a long time in Northern Ireland. Major Jones was born around 1665. In 1692, when Major Jones on the island of Jamaica during the great earthquake of 7 July in one of the many expeditions in the "Letter of Marque, engaged, the many British officers and Jacques Irish Type II service, after the defeat in the Battle of the Boyne. In the same year, Major Jones in Warwick, Rhode Iceland, and there met and married Freelove Townsend, daughter of Thomas Townsend.

Freelove was born December 29, 1674. Thomas Townsend is the son of John Townsend, a prominent Quaker, who came to New Amsterdam in the early 17th century 1635th De Norwich, England. The family was very old when they turn their land of William granted to the conquerors. Thomas Townsend, the father of Freelove Townsend, was Thomas Jones and his wife a large piece of land that had once belonged to the Indians Massapequa, on the southern coast of Long Iceland. For this vast territory Major Jones and his wife abducted in 1696, where he built a house of bricks at the top of the stream.

 In 1702 appointed Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York, Major Jones, Captain of the militia of Queens County, New York 20 October in the year October 14, 1704 he was appointed High Sheriff of Queens, and on 3 April 1706 he was appointed Major of the Regiment of Queens County. Governor Hunter, the Province of New York him to General of the Rangers on the island of Nassau (Long Iceland) to him the monopoly of the whale and other fisheries in the north to the south shore of Long Iceland. This commission was dated 4 September 1710th Major Jones died December 13, 1713, and was in a small cemetery on the banks of the brick house then called the Creek buried now Massapequa Creek. The issue of Major Jones and his wife was Freelove seven children.

 A gravestone marks Brown, which wrote the following inscription by himself: "Here lyes the Council of the Major Thomas Jones, who Straubane it was in the Kingdom of Ireland, settled here and interde death in December 1713th "From distant lands to the littering It CameThis seat he choose, and here he has a fixed name Long May, his son the spot in full peace InjoyAnd No curse is thwarting his descendants. For many years after his death, many fictions doubts about Thomas Jones. exercise of his Commission as a privateer sailing under "letters of marque, from French ports to slander that he was a pirate.

These myths have been nurtured for more than a century after his death by ignorance and superstition, ignorance and superstition that these fables in the middle of last century and today are ... In  given the vast expanse of land Thomas Jones and his wife Freelove with further purchases of Major Jones, officially Jones Beach State Park, part of the New York State Park system was Roosevelt through the use of Governor Franklin D., and Robert Moses 'nautical vision.

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